Booking is optional, but to give you more flexibility and ensure your spot in our most popular evening classes, you can now book your class in advance!
Go to tab "Book your class"

Choose the desired class. Let us assume it is Yin Yoga on Tuesday at 8PM

You have to make sure that the date is the correct one - here it is highlight the 16, but we need to actually click the 17 (day of the class) so availability shows up

Once you click on the correct date - 17 - you will see the availability. Click on next

Fill in your details (normally, you only have to do this once and it will be saved on your computer or mobile). Payment is an average, not your exact amount. Click in Book now, Do not click on Add to cart

Booking should be confirmed this way
If you do not see any spots even following these steps, please contact me. It could be that it is fully booked, but also just some user mistake or even a bug of the system, we never know!
Important notes:
Evening classes: Booking is optional but recommended. Walk-ins are still welcome, but priority goes to those who pre-book.
Cancellations: Please cancel at least 4 hours in advance to free up spots for others. A cancelled class after this window is due.
Lunch classes: These require booking by 7 PM the evening before. Classes with fewer than two bookings will be canceled at that time. (You can still ask to join after this deadline, but if no one books in the window, there is no class.) If you wish, you can also use this sytem for booking your lunch classes.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out! I’m here to help across all platforms .